The Mechanics of Empire
Culture Corner: John Stuart Mill
Chapter 1: Albert Builds the Crystal Palace
Culture Corner: Computing
Chapter 2: Napoleon III Invades Crimea
The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire
Chapter 3: Darwin Classifies Finches
Culture Corner: Louis Pasteur
Chapter 4: The Queen Takes Over India
British Citizens Abroad
Chapter 5: New Zealand and Australia Achieve Self-Rule
Culture Corner: Modern Sports
Chapter 6: Carnarvon Plans Confederations in Canada and South Africa
European Nationalism
Chapter 7: The Risorgimento Sweeps Italy
Culture Corner: The Geneve Convention
Chapter 8: The Kaiser is Crowned
The Future of the Union
Chapter 9: Slavery Divides the Union
Chapter 10: The Confederacy Tries to Secede
Culture Corner: Elizabeth Keckley
Battles for Latin American Wealth
Chapter 11: Napoleon Invades Mexico
Culture Corner: Mexican Painting
Chapter 12: Spain Tries to Steal Peru's Guano
The Legacy of Slavery
Chapter 13: Reconstruction Fails
Culture Corner: Scott Joplin
Chapter 14: Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Brazil End Slavery
Culture Corner: José Martí
The Reservation System
Chapter 15: Forced Marches to Bosque Redondo
Culture Corner: Edmonia Lewis
Chapter 16: Poundmaker Sues for Peace
Modernization in East Asia
Chapter 17: Emperor Meiji Modernizes Japan
Culture Corner: Manga
Chapter 18: China Tries to Self-Strengthen
Colonization in Southeast Asia
Chapter 19: Napoleon Also Invades Vietnam
Chapter 20: Chulalongkorn Protects Siam's Independence
Colonization in Africa
Chapter 21: Europe Scrambles for Africa
Chapter 22: Europe Commits Atrocities in Africa
Culture Corner: Alfred Nobel
Displacement and Migration
Chapter 23: Herzl Dreams of Zion
Culture Corner: Sigmund Freud
Chapter 24: Immigrants Come to the Americas
Ted's Pizza Extravaganza
Culture Corner: Statue of Liberty
Chapter 25: Bright Ideas Light the World
Culture Corner: The Eiffel Tower
Chapter 26: Invention Takes Flight
Culture Corner: Radioactivity
Modern Art
Chapter 27: Artists Break the Rules
Culture Corner: Sarah Bernhardt
Chapter 28: Art Knows No Rules
Culture Corner: Oscar Wilde
Chapter 29: The Bon Marché Opens Its Doors
Culture Corner: Nellie Bly
Chapter 30: Advertisers Sell Desire
Culture Corner: The Bicycle
Women's Rights
Chapter 31: Women Advocate for Their Rights
Culture Corner: A Doll's House
Chapter 32: Suffragettes Demand Their Rights
Culture Corner: Ida B. Wells
Carry a Big Stick
Chapter 33: Kalakaua Signs the Bayonet Constitution
Chapter 34: Teddy Builds a Canal
Culture Corner: The Teddy Bear
Culture Corner: Muckraking
The End of an Era
Chapter 35: China Tries to Become a Republic
Culture Corner: Polar Exploration
Chapter 36: Workers Strike for an Eight-Hour Day
Culture Corner: The Olympics
Snapshots of Modern History Vol. 1 Table of Contents

The War to End All Wars
Chapter 37: Franz Ferdinand Is Asassinated
Chapter 38: France Holds the Line at Verdun
Culture Corner: Entertainment for the Troops
A War on Many Fronts
Chapter 39: Nicholas Takes Command
Culture Corner: Albert Einstein
Chapter 40: Talaat Engineers Ethnic Purity
Culture Corner: Peace Activists
The People Rise Up
Chapter 41: Pancho Villa Rides for Land Reform
Culture Corner: Mariachi
Chapter 42: Lenin Raises the Red Flag
Culture Corner: Konstantin Stanislavski
The War Continues
Chapter 43: The Allies Make Secret Deals in the Middle East
Chapter 44: America Enters the War
Culture Corner: War Poetry
A New Age Dawns
Chapter 45: The Flu Ravages the World
Chapter 46: The Allies Dictate the Terms of Peace
Culture Corner: War Memorials
Changes After the War
Chapter 47: The People Claim Their Rights
Chapter 48: Ireland Achieves Independence
Culture Corner: Irish Writers
The Middle East Remade
Chapter 49: Old Empires Become Modern Nations
Chapter 50: Churchill Maneuvers to Fulfill Britain's Promises
Modern Culture
Chapter 51: Jazz Rocks the United States
Chapter 52: Surrealists Question Reality
Pillars of Power
Chapter 53: The Soviet Union Attempts Collectivization
Chapter 54: Italy Invents Fascism
Chapter 55: Latin America
Chapter 56: South East Asia
New Paths in Asia
Chapter 57: Indian Independence Movement
Chapter 58: Chinese Civil War
Latin American Revolutions Continue
Chapter 59: "Independence of Death" in Brazil
Chapter 60: The Cry of Dolores Rings Out in Mexico
The Great Depression
Chapter 61: Great Depression 1
Chapter 62: Great Depression 2
War Looms
Chapter 63: Rise of Hitler
Chapter 64: Militarization of Japan
Chapter 65: TBA
Chapter 66: TBA
Chapter 67: TBA
Chapter 68: TBA
Chapter 69: TBA
Chapter 70: TBA
Chapter 71: TBA
Chapter 72: TBA
Snapshots of Early Modern History Vol. 2 Table of Contents
Snapshots of Early Modern History Vol. 3
Snapshots of Modern History Vol. 3 is still being drafted, so a full table of contents is not yet available.
This volume will cover, but is not limited to, the following topics: post-war cultural reforms, the Chinese Communist Revolution, the Cold War, the creation of the state of Israel, the independence of India, Juan and Eva Perón, the communist revolution of Cuba, the Korean War, decolonization of Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean, residential schools in the United States and Canada, the eugenics program in Australia, the space race, the Six Day War, the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the Civil Rights Movement, the Women's Rights Movement, the Labor Movement, the Queer Liberation Movement, Pol Pot, the Vietnam War, the Iranian Revolution, Saddam Hussein, Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, the AIDS crisis, the dissolution of the USSR, the Balkan Wars, the European Union, the Irish Troubles, the Japanese technology boom, the creation of the internet and dot com bubble, the Rwanda Genocide, the Second Congo War, Nelson Mandela, Hugo Chávez, 9/11 and the war on terror, and dozens of cultural milestones.