Snapshots of Modern History
Snapshots of Modern History is secular, inclusive, world history curriculum aimed at 5th to 10th grade students
covering history from 1850 to 2000+.
In order to create a truly global, inclusive history book on such a pivotal era of history, its going to take a lot of words! The estimated page count for the Modern level is over 1,000 pages. As such, this level is split into three volumes. Volume 1 covers history from 1850 to the eve of World War I in 1914. Volume 2 will begin with World War I and conclude in the aftermath of World War II. Volume 3 will begin during the rise of the Cold War and continue into the early 2000s.
Each volume includes 36 chapters organized into 18 sections. The chapters in each section are on related topics so that you can easily study two chapters a week. Depending on how quickly you move through materials, this level can be completed in one to three years.
Snapshots of Modern History Vol. 1 is now available. It covers important events like modern scientific breakthroughs, British colonization across the globe, the unification of Italy and Germany, the American Civil War, the end of chattel slavery, the origins of reservations and
residential schools in the United States and Canada, the Meiji Restoration, French colonization in Southeast Asia, the Scramble for Africa, the origin of Zionism, mass immigration to the Americas,
modern inventions, the origins of consumerism, the women's rights movement, and the end of Imperial China.
We are currently in the process of writing Snapshots of Modern History Vol. 2. The release date will be announced in the future.
Snapshots of Modern History Vol. 1 Timeline
Preview some of what you'll explore in Snapshots of Modern History Vol. 1.
Modern History Products
There are six individual products currently available for the Modern History level.
These products can be purchased individually or bundled together.
The an audiobook recording voiced by professional voice actors of Snapshots of Modern History.
Available as a digital download only.
Materials to create your own timeline of history including a wall and notebook timeline and important date markers.
Available as a digital download only.
Lapbook/Interactive Notebook materials for each chapter to create hands-on reinforcement and review.
Available as a digital download only.
Modern History Bundles
There are three curriculum bundles you can choose for Modern History Vol. 1. The difference between each bundle is the physical or digital format of the books.
None of these bundles include the Lapbook/Interactive Notebook Package.
It can be added for just $10.
Hardcover of Snapshots of Modern History Vol. 1
Audiobook of Snapshots of Modern History Vol. 1
Softcover of Instructor's Guide
Softcover of Student Guide
Ted's Timeline Kit
Perfect for if you prefer to hold a physical copy of all the books in your hands. Add an extra Student Guide for each additional student.
Softcover of Snapshots of Modern History Vol. 1
Audiobook of Snapshots of Modern History Vol. 1
PDF of Instructor's Guide
PDF of Student Guide
Ted's Timeline Kit
Perfect for if you are teaching multiple children and need to print extra Student Guide pages or are only selectively using pieces of the Student Guide.
PDF of Snapshots of Modern History Vol. 1
Audiobook of Snapshots of Modern History Vol. 1
PDF of Instructor's Guide
PDF of Student Guide
Ted's Timeline Kit
Perfect for eco-conscious users or if you are traveling while schooling or have limited storage space.
Sample Week Demo
Curious what a week of Curiosity Chronicles Modern History would look like?
The following visual walkthrough shows you a sample week. This walkthrough follows Sample Schedule H: All the Bells and Whistles from our Sample Schedules page.
This is our most extensive sample schedule. You don't have to do all these activities to successfully use Curiosity Chronicles.
Curiosity Chronicles is designed to be flexible and adaptable. You can pick and choose which aspects of the curriculum to use to design a history study that meets your unique learning situation. Check out our Sample Schedules page for ideas on simpler schedules.
Modern History Vol. 1

Visual Walkthrough of Section 16: Women's Rights
Snapshots of Modern History Vol. 1 is organized into 18 sections of chapter pairs on related topics. Each section can be completed in one to two weeks. Below is a sample of completing the section in one week. You can space these activities out over two weeks if you prefer.
Day 1: Study the Chapter
Read or listen to Chapter 31: Women Advocate for their Rights, the Culture Corner: A Doll's House and complete accompanying student pages.
Learn about the growing women's rights movement around the globe in the late 1800s, where the movement was largest, and how race, economic status, and colonization impacted the movement. Then dive into three central concerns of the movement: women's dress, women's economic rights, and women's family role.
Then read or listen to the Culture Corner about Henrick Ibsen's A Doll's House which brought women's issues to the center stage.
Review vocabulary and comprehension questions from the chapter. Cover geography as well by completing accompanying map work. Assemble the timeline and more.

Day 2: Study the Next Chapter
Read or listen to Chapter 32: Suffragettes Demand The Vote, the Culture Corner: Ida B. Wells and complete accompanying student pages.
Continue your exploration of the women's rights movement by focusing on the suffrage movement. See the early successes and failures in women's suffrage from Wyoming to New Zealand. See the arrest of Susan B. Anthony, the election of Elizabeth Yates as a mayor in New Zealand, and the founding of the WSPU by Emmeline Pankhurst in England.
Then read or listen to the Culture Corner highlighting the work of Black American suffragist and civil rights journalist Ida B. Wells.
Review vocabulary and comprehension questions from the chapter. Cover geography as well by completing accompanying map work. Assemble the timeline and more.

Day 3: Deepen Learning
Read supplemental books.
This is a section with a lot of high quality options to expand your learning. A few are pictured such as books that explore Haudenosuanee contributions to the women's rights movement, the fight for Black women's right to vote, biographies about several leading suffragists, and historical fiction about the women's rights movement.
You can easily spend a week or more digging into all the reading suggestions for this section.

Day 4: Hands-on Learning
Complete one or more hands-on activity.
Select a hands-on activity from multiple options. One option for this chapter is a political cartoon analysis to better understand pro- and anti-suffrage stances of the era.
Another activity analyzes the lyrics of various suffrage songs as a valuable primary source.
Another activity gives students the information to create their own infographic or chart about the progress of the women's rights movement.
The Minecraft building prompt for this section allows students to create their own women's rights protest with Minecraft villagers inspired by actual protests, such a Muriel Matter's dirigible.

Day 5: Summing It Up
Complete the lapbook elements for both chapters.
For the lapbooks, add to your Life at the Turn of the Century lapbook by completing a spinner about the main goals of the women's rights movement. Then create a short book about the goals, successes, and failures of the women's suffrage movement. Finally, create a pocket and fill it with cards highlighting the work of various women's rights advocates.